We had Lissie's 1st birthday on Saturday, and it was so much fun. I'm hoping to get back to posting pictures soon!
There has been a lot going on in the Tuley family. For those who don't know, my oldest brother, Michael, passed away from a brain aneurysm almost 2 weeks ago. Michael was surrounded by family & friends when he took his last breath. It was the worst day of my life, and yet in saying that, it was not a hopeless day. God was carrying us as we "cheered" Michael home. We sang songs, read scripture over him, held his hands, and my mom and Ashley worked hard making Michael's last few moments on this earth comfortable. I find comfort knowing Michael knew and loved Jesus, and without knowing that I could not bare to rise out of bed each morning...talk about feeling hopeless! I still cannot fathom life without faith and hope in Jesus Christ. The same God who made Michael whole and perfect again is the same God who promises to walk beside & at times carry us through this valley. The tears continue to flow, but God is good ALL the time! As our preacher reminded us on Sunday,
"For the unbeliever [in Jesus Christ] this world is as good as it's going to get; for the believer [in Jesus Christ] this world is as bad as it's going to get."
I do have a prayer request. Due to family history, my other brother and I will be getting a MRI and MRA done this week to see if there are any abnormalities. We will have this done every 10 years, and when our children turn 20 they to will have these test run every 10 years.
Words cannot even begin to tell you how thankful I am for all the cards, emails, texts, & phone calls. We feel your prayers...THANK YOU!!!
In the midst of all of this David and I moved. We are still in Cypress and love our new home; however we are moving in ever so slowly. (Again, I hope to post pictures soon!)